
Our plants can be moved rapidly and safely anywhere in the world.

Their unique ‘transportability’ means that once on-site, they can be connected and delivering significant volumes of fresh water within hours. They can deliver on single location contracts over any given period or alternatively they can service multi-location demands on a rotational basis.

The modular nature of our solution means that we can provide between 5,000-150,000m3 of water/per day. We can even ‘scale-up’ during the course of a contract by adding capacity or swapping units.

Economies of scale will always provide a cost-competitive solution.

The SubSea Infrastructure solution provides large-scale (10,000-150,000m3 of water/per day) state of the art desalination plants onshore or on floating platforms – either barges or ships, depending on plant size and location. It marries technologies and solutions from the water, oil and gas, and energy sectors to provide highly mobile, temporary, solutions to large-scale water problems.

Delivery pipelines are floated into place and submerged n operations generally taking a matter of hours from arrival. The temporary delivery infrastructure requires only a small corridor onshore – and this is removed when the facility leaves. Offshore mooring systems are self-contained and are also easily installed and removed.

Floating platforms are robust and able to operate in most weather conditions – the offshore oil and gas industry provides excellent evidence of such platforms. When weather is extreme the facilities have quick disconnect/quick connect systems that allow them to move clear until the event has passed.

Ship-based facilities have the ability to transit on passage at around 14kn (340 nautical miles/per day). This means a unit good transit from the Gulf of Mexico to the Eastern Mediterranean in less than 3-weeks. A barge-based facility would take just over twice as long.

It can therefore be seen that SubSea Infrastructure‘s marine platform desalination facilities are highly mobile, extremely flexible, and at the same time have a very low impact on the local onshore and near-shore environment, even when in position and working. Onshore, near-shore, and sea beds can be completely restored to their original condition once the desalination facilities are removed.